Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

a neverending love

it was november 2007
that was the first time that i realized tHat i love you
we were in the 6th gradE
i've never seen anything so perfect but you

i was totally In love with you
and i knew, from that day on
something bad would never be that bad
becauSe i had you

my life so colourful
you changed My life
and i loved it
all i could think is "we should be together"

i never thought i'd meet anYbody like you
i Felt like you're everything I've ever wanted
you made me feel like
life is woRth it

life iS not meaningless
that's what i thought
buT suddenly my worst nightmare came alive
you're changed

we're not friends anymore,you hate me
you don't even want to taLk to me
did yOu forget eVerything?
plEase come back to me

'cause you're the one
i want to be with

[ XheL'z and Audy ]

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